Exceptional Customer Experiences, Fuelled by superior training data

Say goodbye to inferior data sets ruining your AI

Taskmonk tackles any use case, across multiple industries
Say goodbye to inferior data sets ruining your AI

Taskmonk tackles any use case, across multiple industries

Built to deliver, across industries and use-cases

E-Commerce and Retail
For memorable customer shopping experiences
Product Taxonomy
Search Relevance
Chatbot Training
Personalised Recommendation
Shelf Stocking
Attribute Extraction
LLMs and Gen AI
Ushering in a new era of computing
Code Generation
Prompt Engineering
Reinforcement Learning
Translation and Transcription
Enterprise LLMs
Autonomous Driving
A future, closer with every mile passed
3D Cuboids and Object detection
Polyline Annotation
Semantic Segmentation
Video Object Tracking
Industrial Applications
For insights across the value chain
Safety and Defect Detection
Warehouse Optimisation
Infrastructure maintenance
Supply chain optimisation
Geo-Spatial Data
Satellite and Aerial data across Agriculture, Construction and Aerospace Industries
Route Annotation
Land Use Classification
Point of Interest Taging
Financial Services & Insurance
To speed up back-office workflows and document processing
Multi-Language OCR
Document Classification
Entity and Relationship Tagging
Fraud Detection
Claims Processing