Dynamic Workflows for training AI that can't afford to wait

Combat huge volumes of raw data with low-code/ no-code workflows that work the way you do
Workflows battle tested with  
No-Code Modules for Rapid Setups

Drag'n Drop to build custom UIs in seconds

Use pre-built templates to configure fields, labels and attributes for a new project
Seamlessly edit and deploy complex agile workflows and labeling efficiency never takes a hit
Codify SOPs so that your labeling team can increase speed, avoid errors and get better ROI

Labeler Friendly Tasks

Optimise average handling time, minimise the learning curve and blaze through projects faster

Role Management

Set privileges, permissions and milestones for your team and curate roles for everyone
A Versatile QC Toolkit

Quality training data for wicked smart AI

Stop model biases and rejected data sets from eating into your labeling budgets
Supercharge your model accuracy with QC methods such as Maker Checker, Maker Editor and a Consensus approach
Error-proof your data by codifying rules so that you can generate quality samples.

Process Logic

Fine tune the accuracy of your model by having pre-defined numeric logic avoiding human error

Execution Levels

Craft a labeling process tailored to labeler expertise, gradually increasing in complexity
Slash your labeling costs by 26% and increase your throughput by at least 2X
Collaboration that doesn't break the bank

Infinite global talent, a few clicks away

APIs for Data Export

Export analytics to PowerBI or Tableau so that numbers speak better

Async Collaboration

Leave feedback, send team messages and communicate securely with outside teams
Scale fearlessly to access expert teams anywhere and collaborate in real time on a single or multiple projects.
Granular platform and labeler insights across the entire pipeline which means you know your labeling budget spends exactly
Mix and match to find the perfect combo between outsourced and in-house labeling teams to tackle complex projects
Nimble - A perfect data diet for ML Models
Taskmonk Nimble collects only the data that enhances your ML model intelligence supercharging your workflows in real-time
The Companion App every annotation project needs, now available on
Choose the data type and collect only the data you want to train
Enrich the collected data with relevant attributes on-the-go for better accuracy
Enhance localised ML training with targeted data collection workflows


Setup Costs
Fingerprinting & tracking
Taskmonk Nimble collects only the data that enhances your ML model intelligence supercharging your workflows in real-time
Create a Project in Taskmonk Web and assign users for the data type to be collected
Login to the Nimble App and collect the data, whether audio, video or image
A seamless background sync transfers the data onto the platform which means you start annotating immediately
We are plain not interested in your data
Instead we obsess over making the app functional and easy to use
Which means you get a hassle free experience, for better data and a smarter AI

Connect with DBs and everyday tools

Seamless API integration

Taskmonk integrates easily into your existing tech stack and data flow processes. Use simple APIs for 2-way data exchange in real-time

Pre-Coded Connectors

Connect your Taskmonk data to models with AWS, Azure, Alibaba, and Baidu with a click using our prebuilt connectors
Integrate easily with your ML stack so that you don’t miss a beat