Smarter Computer Vision models, One frame at a time

Frame perfect video annotations with endless annotation points for each frame
MP4, webm, OGG, mkv, hevc
Customisable shortcuts to speed up workflows
Collect specific video samples with our data collection app, Taskmonk Nimble
Frame perfect video annotations with endless annotation points for each frame

Tooling to tame hundreds of thousands of frames

Your computer vision workflows, much more faster and seamless
Bounding Boxes with Interpolation
Detect and track objects, across consecutive frames, with our AI helping you predict movement across frames
Polygon Annotation
Annotate shape agnostic objects within a frame covering every single vertex
Semantic Segmentation
Classify each pixel in a frame with contextual understanding, teaching your ML algos to decipher scenes
3D Cuboid Annotation
Understand the spatial dimensions of objects better and train your ADAS systems to become smarter
Keypoint Annotation
Define the shape, structure and pose of objects better by annotating multiple points
Polyline Annotation
Make your ML algos aware of realworld physical rules and constraints to operate within
Pre-Label datasets from our arsenal of trained models to blaze through raw data
Leverage our QC methods, Maker Checker, Editor and Majority vote to generate quality training data
Access our vetted, highly experienced team of annotators, preferred by the biggest F500s, for annotating data at scale
Isn't it time you stopped ruining your AI with low quality training data ?